"Serve one another with whatever gift each of you has."
           -1 Peter 4:10

Sharing and showing God's love has no boundaries or limitations

There are infinite ways for us to give God love, honor, and adoration! 

Here's how we are showing God love and showing the world God's love


Jesus teaches us to "watch and pray." Regular prayer helps us to  see the work of God in the world and join in. The New Testament also teaches us to pray for one another.

If you have a concern for which you would like our church family to pray, email us.​​​​​​  A prayer list is emailed out every Friday to our active church family.


Christians continually strive to live in accordance with the life and teachings of Jesus. It takes time, effort, and discernment on our part to learn.

We offer weekly Bible study groups for all ages on Sunday mornings at 10am and Wednesday evenings at 5:30pm.

Additionally, youth grades 6-12 meet on Sunday nights at 5pm.


We meet every Sunday morning at 11am to worship God.  The staff plans the order of worship, and the congregation leads. We use the gifts and talents we each have to praise and worship God.

If you can read scripture, offer a prayer, chime the hour, lead a responsive reading, sing with the choir, ring handbells, accompany the hymns with a musical instrument, run the sound system, provide flowers for the communion table, or etc., we invite you to join in. There is a place for all of us to help each other worship God.

Church of Joy
Maceió, Brasil

We are beyond blessed to have a sister church family in Brazil!  They are currently ministering to the least of these in their neighborhood by teaching school age children how to read. and providing food assistance for local families.

Cherokee Repertoire Choir

Our church hosts the Cherokee Repertoire Choir every other Monday at 4pm. The choir is open to everyone interested in learning to sing song in  the Cherokee language. Contact directors Sara Hopkins or Garret Scholberg for more information. 

GED classes for Spanish speakers

We host weekly GED classes for those whose first language is Spanish. The classes are Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 6-9pm. For more information, contact Paul Witty, community health worker for UNIDXS WNC.

Food Pantry

We help our community by partnering with numerous churches in our county to provide food for Jackson County residents through the Food Pantry at United Christian Ministries. We encourage you to pick up grocery items to donate every time you go grocery shopping. All the little offerings we make, together make a huge difference for others.

Crocheted and Knitted Hats and Scarves

We provide hand knitted and crocheted hats and scarves to the local cancer center on a regular basis.

Weekly Food Deliveries

We partner with MANNA Food Bank in Asheville and Jackson County Public Schools to get extra food for the weekend to children living in food insecure households. MANNA provides the food. The schools get the food to families. We deliver the food to the schools.

Summer Food Ministry

We are partnered with MANNA Food Bank to help  provide food to children during the summertime, when they are away from the support of regular school meals. We deliver food packages provided by MANNA to families who request summer food assistance once a week on Thursday. 

Giving Tithes and Offerings

All ministries require time and attention, and some many require funding. Our annual budget supports the work we do directly along with the ministries of seven partner organizations: WNC Baptist Fellowship, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of NC, Alliance of Baptists, United Christian Ministries, Baptist Women in Ministry of NC, and Igreja Batista da Alegria Church in Maceio, Brasil.

Weekly AA Meetings

We host a weekly Thursday night Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting. The group meets at 5:30pm in the fellowship hall. The easiest way to get to the fellowship hall is to enter the side door by the playground. For more information, call the church office.